

Saturday, March 5, 2011

kisah aku bermula dalam Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Pelajar(JPP) POLISAS

 JPP merupakan satu badan induk kepada semua kegiatan dan aktiviti pelajar.JPP ditubuhkan selaras dengan penubuhan POLISAS sebagai sebuah IPT.Boleh dikata JPP ni umpama satu bdn besar di POLISAS yg mengutamakan kebajikan pelajar..masalah2 pelajar...mcm MPP kat universiti...korg mesti tau nya..mcm ane ak bermula??????jommmmm
sejak zaman sekolah lagi ak pnh memegng jwtn ketua kelas dan pengawas...org kata klu dh jadi pemimpin sifat malu dlm diri kita akan berkurg...ak mmg seorg yg pendiam..bg ak..wlpn pnh memegng jwtn pngws..ketua kelas..sifat pendiam n malu ak xberubh..bila dpn org je nk present sesuatu..jd tkt..gagap
ak ditawarkan pelajar di politeknik sesi julai 2009...masa minggu MSK...ak respect abg2 yg handle MSK..mmg bagus..lantang bersuara...ak berfikir masa tu..ak xkn jadi mcm dorg..xkn..xkn..xkn..kerana ak rasa diri ak xmampu memikul t.jwb serta kelayakan ak untk memegang jwtn tertinngi di polisas

ak telah ditwrkan pengajian diploma kejuruteraan elektronik di jabatan elektrik..semasa sem 1,ak pnh mntk penukaran kos dip kej elektrik di politeknik sultan mizan zainal abidin..kira lama gak tnggu..xdpt2 jwpn..ak nk tkr kos sbb ak lbh mnt kearah elektrik...ermm...ayah aku seorg kontraktor elektrik..mgkn drh elektrik menglr kat tbh ak kot..haha..tp lect byk bg semgt kat ak tentg kos yg dikatakan saling kait2,...okkk..
dlm jbtn elektrik terdpt 1 kelab yg dikenali kelab elektron..antara kelab yg plg aktif dlm polisas..

semuanya bermula disini..slh seorg kwn ak menwrkn ak agar memasuki pilihanraya kelab elektron JKE..dlm class ak kira ramai la yg masuk..jd ak isi je la borang...isi2..masa p.raya ak mng kerusi untk memegang kerusi ketua klik..ketua klik publisiti & hebahan...dlm kelab tu la ak mula jinak2 aktif...dgn senior2 yg bgs...bg tnjk ajar...n then..bermulalah pilihan raya JPP yg pertama kali dibuat dengn menggunakan sistem pilihanraya,,,,kelab elektron menggalakkn untk menyertai p.raya tersebut...jd ak mengisi borng n memilih kerusi untk jbtn elektrik...time p.raya ak memenangi p.raya JPP untk wakil JKE...
1st time dlm JPP ak telah diberi mandat untk memegang pengerusi exco akademik & latihan..dlm 1 semester memegng jwtn tersbt...n ak diberi mndt sekli lagi untk memegang jwtn pengerusi exco perhbgn & seranta..dulunya dikenali perhbgn peljr luar..sejak ak memasuki JPP ak byk berubah..dlm perckpn..keberanian bersuara..berhdpn dgn khalayak ramai..menguruskn progarm & mcm2 ag....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The LAsT Time I Cried

     The last time i was cried is when i did not get what i have been dream in my life which is i want to further my study in the electrical engineering(power) course. This is one of my dream priority because my father is the contractor where he has the speciality in the electrical engineering(power). Besides, my father has exposure me a lot in this speciality.

       By the way, now i can accept the fate because after i enter the Politeknik in electronic engineering course, I  realized that the course i study now have the connection for the course that i was dream before. If i was given a chance to continue my study in bachelor, hopefully that i can continue my education in the prority that i was dream before. God Willing!!! =)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ab0uT MyseLf


    I'm Muhammad Amirul Azaine bin Abidin.Just call me amirul who likes to smile all the time. I was born on 3th March 1991 at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang Hospital. I'm the 3rd and youngest among my siblings. I've attended primary school which is at Sekolah Kebangsaan Teluk Pulai and Sek Agama Darul Ulum. I finished my high school life at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Methodist ACS Klang and after that i have been transfered to Sekolah Menengah Teknik Wakaf Tembusu. After finish my SPM, i have been offered to further my study at Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah at Kuantan Pahang in Diploma Electronic Engineering.
    I have so many hobbies such as travels, surfing internet and the most interesting hobbies is sports. During school time i enjoyed many sport activities like mountain bike, treasure hunt, football, silat, tennis,swiming and many more. I also interested to discuss about the current issue that happen all over the world.

    Finally, what i want to be is a happy person and will fulfill my life with cheer and fun. But dont get shock if i said that i will keep everything that i feel in my heart without telling anyone about it. Last but not least, I just want all people around me to be happy and the most important is, i really hope that the chances that i get today will brings me a good life.