

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The LAsT Time I Cried

     The last time i was cried is when i did not get what i have been dream in my life which is i want to further my study in the electrical engineering(power) course. This is one of my dream priority because my father is the contractor where he has the speciality in the electrical engineering(power). Besides, my father has exposure me a lot in this speciality.

       By the way, now i can accept the fate because after i enter the Politeknik in electronic engineering course, I  realized that the course i study now have the connection for the course that i was dream before. If i was given a chance to continue my study in bachelor, hopefully that i can continue my education in the prority that i was dream before. God Willing!!! =)

1 comment:

  1. adik mirul, kadang2 xsume yang kte inginka dlm hdop kte akan dapt....
    mayb de hikmah sume kejadian yang telah ditetapkan olehNYe...
    kte sebagai hambanye yang sangat lemah, harus redha dan terima apa pon yang telah ditetapkan tok kte..mungkin de hikmah yang sangat indah dikemudia hari..insyallah
